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1. How much do I need to invest for an E2 visa company.

There is no black and white number that addresses that issue; it all depends on the industry you have chosen. Some industries, such as consulting, require less, and others, such as restaurants, require more. At the very least you should be investing $100 to $150 thousand, or otherwise it may be considered a hobby. If you think about the fact that your job is to run a company, not work it, you will realize that you require staff, and the capability of growth. Yours is not to come to the US to create a job for yourself as you have in your home country.

2. Can I have a partner in an E2 visa company?

Yes. However, you need to own at least half of the company or it won’t be considered an E2 company.

3. What country can an E2 visa partner be from?

Assuming the partner has the right to be in the US and to invest in a company, he or she can be from anywhere (but they must have the ability to remain as an investor in their own right). The partner can also be a Green Card holder or a US citizen. If the partner is from a non E2 country and has no visa or Green Card, then the partner’s situation is a completely different scenario and needs to be analyzed.

4. If I want to qualify for an E2 visa, can I buy into an existing company with partner(s)?

Yes, you can do that, as long as you own half. However, be careful. If the company is valued at $500,000 and you only invest $150,000 then you don’t own half; you may require a valuation to know what the company is worth.

5. What counts towards my investment for an E2 visa?

If you are in retail, for example, you can count your inventory; you can even ship it from your home country’s supplies. If you pay your rent a year in advance that entire amount is considered part of the investment. If you refurbish your space, that is part of your investment. Supplies, computers, desks, they all count; no different that if you were starting a new company.

6. Can I get a loan in order to launch a new E2 visa company ?

Yes, but. The loan has to be personally guaranteed by you, not your LLC or corporation.

7. Can I buy real estate in order to get an E2 visa?

Yes and no. Purchasing your home or ‘a’ home, even if you have a home office does not count. If you are purchasing a commercial building, a motel, or hotel, even if it has a mortgage, counts.

8. Can I buy and sell or flip and refurbish homes as an E2 visa company?

Yes, but. You cannot buy just one expensive home and refurbish it. An E2 visa requires someone to manage it, so if it is not complex enough to require management, it most likely does not require an E2 person. If you are flipping homes, then you should invest in at least half a dozen or more so that your executive skills are required; executive being high-level decision-making (to develop and direct the operations of an enterprise).

9. Does the E2 visa lead to a Green Card?

Yes and no. In the traditional sense, no, However, if you have a company in another country of a certain size (depends on the industry) and one here, you may qualify after a year of having the E2, for an EB1 Green Card. With that Green Card case, no advertising of the job is necessary and you could potentially receive a Green Card in one year.

10. Is the E2 visa a dual intent visa in the sense that I can apply for a Green Card and remain in the US on an E2 visa while I am waiting for a Green Card?

Yes, it is a dual intent visa. However, if you are applying for an E2 visa but truly intend to file for a Green Card you will be denied the visa as that would constitute a fraudulent entry.

11. What is the difference between and E1 and an E2 visa?

An E1 is for import or export and an E2 is for other entrepreneurial endeavors.

12. Does every E2 country allow for an E1 visa?

No. Check the list of treaty countries on our web site in order to ascertain if both are allowed for your country of origin.

13. Do I have to own the company in order to get an e2 visa?

No, you can work for a company and obtain an E2 visa. However, both you and the company must be from the treaty country.

14. Is a Business Plan mandatory for an E1 or E2 visa case?

Yes. You can either prepare one yourself and we will review it free of charge, your CPA can prepare it or we can prepare it.

15. What if I have dual nationality and one if from an E visa country, how does that work?

You will be considered a national of the country whose passport you use to enter the US with.

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