Document List for E2 Visas Found in  the FAM,
Also known as the Foreign Affairs Manual


The following is a list of suggested documentation that may establish and alien’s eligibility for an E-1 or E-2 visa as described in 9 FAM 41.51 N1.1 and 9 FAM 41.51 N1.2. This is meant as a guide only and is not a list of required documentation. Other information and evidence may be submitted by the visa applicant to satisfy the consular officer that the alien meets the criteria described in 9 FAM 41.51 N1.1 or 9 FAM 41.51 N1.2.
Please tab and index your supporting documentation and note the corresponding tab number on this form. To facilitate and expedite adjudication of your case, please highlight corroborating figures in annual reports, financial statements, etc.
I. Proof of Nationality of Investor or Applicant
Birth Certificate — Citizenship certificate — Photocopy of passport — Evidence of legal status in home country — Other nationality documents —
II. Ownership Documents: (either A, B or C)
A. Sole Proprietorship:
Shares/stock certificates
Shares register indicating total and outstanding shares issued
Minutes of annual shareholders meeting Other Evidence
B. Partnership:
Partnership or Joint Venture Agreement
Shares/stock certificates indicating total shares issued and outstanding shares
Other evidence
C. Corporation:
Shares/stock certificates indicating distribution of ownership, i.e., shares held by each firm and shares held by individual owners corporate matrix
If publicly traded on the principal stock exchange of a treaty country, enclose a sample of recently published stock quotations
Public announcement of corporate acquisition corporate chart showing head office and other subsidiary/branch locations in the U.S.
Other evidence of ownership
III. Trade:
Purchase orders
Warehouse/custom declarations
Bills of lading
Sales contracts/contracts for services
Letters of credit
Carrier inventories
Trade brochures
Insurance papers documenting commodities imported into the U.S.
Accounts receivable & accounts payable ledgers
Client lists
Other documents showing international trade is substantial and that 51% of the trade is between U.S. and the treaty country
IV. Investment:
A. For an existing enterprise:
Tax Valuation Market Appraisal
B. For a New Enterprise:
Trade Association Statistics
Chamber of Commerce Estimates
Market Surveys
C. Source of Investment:
Personal statement of net worth prepared by a certified accountant
Tab No.
(show purchase price)
(show estimated start-up cost)
Transactions showing payment of sold property or business (proof of property ownership and promissory notes) and rental income (lease agreements)
Voided investment certificates or internal bank Vouchers and appropriate bank statement crediting proceeds
Debit and credit advices for personal and/or business account withdrawals
Audited financial statement
Annual report of parent company
Net worth statements from certificate professional accountants
D. Evidence of Investment:
1. Existing Enterprise:
Escrow account statement in the U.S. Escrow receipt
Signed purchase agreement Closing and settlement papers Mortgage documents
Loan documents
Promissory notes Financial reports Tax returns
Security agreements
Assumption of lease agreement
Business account statement for routine operations
Other evidence
2. New Enterprise:
Inventory listing, shipment invoices of inventory, equipment or business related property
Receipts for inventory purchases
Canceled checks or official payment receipts for expenditures
Canceled check for first month’s rent or full annual advance rent payment
Lease agreement
Purchase orders
Improvement expenses
Initial business account statements Wire transfer receipts
V. Marginally:
A. For Existing Business:
U.S. corporate tax returns
Latest audited financial statement or non-review statements
Annual reports
Payroll register
W-2 and W-4 tax forms
Canceled checks for salaries paid and/or corresponding payroll account
B. For New Business:
Payroll register, records of salaries paid to employees (if any), employee data including names, rates of pay, copies of W-2’s
Financial projections for next 5 years, supported by a thorough business plan
Business income and corporate tax returns (proof of registration, ownership, audited financial and review engagements)
VI. Real & Operating Commercial Enterprise:
Occupational license
Business license/business permits
Sales tax receipt
Utility/telephone bills
Business transaction records Current/commercial account statements Letters of credit
Invoices from suppliers
Advertising leaflets
Business brochures/promotional literature Newspaper clippings
VII. Executive/Managerial/Supervisory/Essential Skills:
Letter from E-2 enterprise providing specific information on the applicant and the reasons for his/her assignment to the U.S. The letter must explain the employee’s role in the U.S. company (job title and duties), the applicant’s executive or supervisory responsibilities or, if not a supervisor, his/her specialist role, the level of education and knowledge required by the employee’s position, his employment experience, progression of promotion or high level training or special qualifications and the reasons why a U.S. citizen or legal permanent
U.S. Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual Volume 9 – Visas
resident cannot fill the position (if the position is not
managerial or supervisory) —
Letter from responsible official at U.S. company or
office identifying the need for assigned employee. —
Organizational chart showing current staffing pattern
at U.S. company —
Evidence of executive, supervisory or specialized
knowledge, education, experience, skills or training,
such as certificates, diplomas or transcripts. —